Mitchell Freedman

I’ve been interested in both photography and woodworking for most of my life. Since retiring from my architectural practice, much of my attention has been on growing my skills in both endeavors. Working in the two mediums has a lot in common. For a successful result, they each require close attention to composition, color, texture and detail. Also, both have nature’s work as a starting point, and with varying degrees of intervention can hopefully yield something that’s pleasing, unique and useful.

I take photographs of a wide variety of subject matter. That’s due to my shooting based on color, dynamic light and complexity or simplicity inside abstract compositions. Of course there are recurring subjects including landscapes both grand and intimate, pristine and decayed details of buildings, vehicles and discarded objects, water, food, and reflections. Like many others, travel stimulates my interest in taking photographs. While I have many images I like that were taken from my Reston base and the surrounding areas, most of my favorites are the result of being on the road while having my camera with me nearly all the time.

The intent of my woodworking is to create functional compositions. This usually takes the form of tables, benches, serving boards, cutting boards, boxes, mirrors and other household items. On occasion, I’ll design and produce a piece of custom millwork for commercial or residential clients. To inspire the various projects, I collect mostly domestic along with some exotic lumber, in both dimensional and slab form. A piece will typically include two or more wood species, often with accents of plastic, brass, bronze, rubber, aluminum and pigmented resin.



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