Ken Strong - Broadway Gallery

Ken Strong

Ken Strong presents a definitive and unequivocal expression of his Australian subjects, a very natural imagery touched with the subtle presence of people. His art is much more than a simple illustration of Australian scenery.

Mr. Strong was born in Brisbane in 1960. His fascination with the Australian landscape and bush generated an early interest in art and over the last 14 years he has been developing his approach towards composition and oil techniques. Early studies with the late Fred Alexander provided inspiration for Mr. Strong’s continuing art education, including specialist training in drafting and technical drawing. This has all combined to provide the present strength of his work. The inclusion of figures subtly melded into the composition is often used. The result is not a domination by the figure, but the addition of a human touch. While reinforcing the important relationship between the landscape and its inhabitants.

This Australian has exhibited in Sydney and other areas of N.S.W. and Canberra as well as Canada and Melbourne and has won a number of awards. He has also been featured in two issues of the magazine “Australian Artist”.

Mr. Strong feels that a free approach to artistic composition can bring to life even the most commonplace subject. Reality is only used as a guide. Metamorphosis of the subject takes place when the form, colors, and contrasts are combined with flexibility. This approach can be applied to any subject and the range of possibilities is limitless.
