Increase Your Office Productivity with Art!
First impressions mean a lot, don’t they? When you walk into an office as an employee or client I know you judge the company based upon what it looks like… don’t you?
Picture this with me: you walk into work one morning and the lights are dim, the walls are that stark hospital white and there is only a metal stool to sit on. Not too inviting is it? Now imagine you walk into the office and the walls are a light shade of yellow, there is attractive and inviting art on the walls and the sun is shining in the windows. Ok – so things can’t always be this perfect but you can easily make a difference in your office environment with a few small changes.
We were recently commissioned, by referral, to provide an art consulting service for a corporate office in Reston, VA. We were hired to give advice on art to be displayed in several rooms including conference rooms, executive offices, reception areas, lunch rooms, and more. We worked with the company for a while to understand the exact feeling they wanted in each room, their budget and also the color scheme. It is very important to us that we create exactly what you’re looking for. At the end of the day we can find any artwork to fit a need – we want it to fit you need.
Once the artwork was purchased and hung in this office it changed the whole atmosphere of the office to be refreshing and uplifting. The employees were curious to see the new artwork and I believe they were happy to know the company cared enough to properly represent them and create a welcoming work environment.
What about a relaxing beach theme in your office? Imagine an office filled with images of people walking on the boardwalk, eating ice cream, and enjoying themselves. Personally, when I see this type of art it reminds me of my days growing up close to the New Jersey shore, and the family vacations we would go on. What is wrong with that? Nothing! You are allowed to enjoy yourself and your environment at work – it doesn’t have to be so bland.
What was the last faster food restaurant you went in to? Chipotle, McDonald’s? Have you noticed the art on their walls? They have pictures of McDonald’s in black and white when it first opened.
They have creative wood and metal sculptures adorning their walls.
These pieces of art were picked out by professional art consultants and create an environment that people want to be in. Shouldn’t your office feel this way? More importantly your company’s brand must be properly represented anywhere it touches a client.
Call, email or come in to visit us today. We would like to talk with you about different way to enhance your office environment and brand representation through art on any budget.
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